Monday 4 June 2018

Join the RPG Revolution!

Welcome Everybody to RPG Revolution. 

After years of trying to review every video game on the planet I have finally succumbed to my true passion - role playing games. On this blog and my YouTube channel I am going to cover RPGs from across the span of gaming history and attempt to be insightful and funny about everything from the latest PC open-world extravaganza to spooky evenings with your friends playing Dungeons and Dragons with a bucket full of dice.

Let's take a look at what I'll be covering in the coming weeks:

  • New Video Games
  • Retro Video Games
  • Choose Your Own Adventure Books
  • Roleplaying Scenarios
  • Tips for running a tabletop RPG
  • RPG System Reviews
  • RPG Adventure Diary

This is an incredibly exciting project for me and I really hope that you get as much of a kick out of reading it as I will in creating it. 

If Role Playing Games are one of your true passions in life (or you have a sneaking suspicion that they just might be) then please bookmark this blog and join the Revolution!

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